Channel Swimming & Piloting Federation "Nothing great is easy", Captain Matthew Webb

Solo Swims Statistics 2

The statistics on this page are based on solo Channel swims database compiled by Julian Critchlow. If you can provide any additional information or if you notice any errors or omissions, please contact us or Julian by email published on his website.

List of contents

1. Number of solo crossings
2. Average crossing times
3. Fastest crossing times
4. Crossing times %'s and numbers
5. Miscellaneous

 Number of solo crossings

Crossings per year

 Average Crossing Times

 Fastest Crossing Times

 Crossing Times %'s

% of swims faster than the x-axes time.

Crossing Times Numbers

Number of swims faster than the x-axes time.


Most crossings in one season

Swimmer No of Crossings Year
McCardel, Chloë82016Details
McCardel, Chloë72021Details
Streeter, Alison71992Details

Earliest season crossings

Swimmer Date
James [Keech], Howard16th May 2016Details
Murphy, Kevin29th May 1990Details
Buzo, Eva5th June 2024Details

Latest season crossings

Swimmer Date
Stievenart, Steve11th November 2021Details
James [Keech], Howard3rd November 2016Details
Read, Michael28th October 1979Details

Crossings per month