Channel Swimming & Piloting Federation "Nothing great is easy", Captain Matthew Webb

Risks and Responsibilities 

It is up to you as the swimmer to ensure you are aware of the risks and responsibilities associated with Channel Swimming.  You should not attempt open water swimming without full consideration and acceptance of the risks to your own survival.
The main risks associated with Channel Swimming include: hypothermia, inadequate training, overconfidence, inexperience, inadequate preparation and a lack of understanding of the challenge being undertaken. Educating yourself well before committing to swim the Channel is wholly necessary. The educational process involves mental and physical preparation and total commitment.
Channel swimming is an extreme sport which requires dedicated training on a consistent basis. A swimmer must mitigate their chances of risking life and limb when planning and participating in an English Channel swim.

The assessment of a swim should commence by acknowledging that it is part of a high risk sport. There is a need for a good support team who knows the swimmer/s and their limits well and who can make decisions for them while they are swimming. 

The primary resonsibility for the safety of the swimmer lies with themselves.  If you are not ready to swim, don't risk it. Wait, regroup, replan and remember that the English Channel will always be there, ensure you are ready for it.