Channel Swimming & Piloting Federation "Nothing great is easy", Captain Matthew Webb

14 Mar 2020CS&PF Rule Changes following AGM

CS&PF Rule Changes following AGM

Includes change to 2021 relay qualifying swim rule

At the CS&PF AGM on 7 March 2020, 5 motions were discussed and voted on as per the AGM agenda.

4 motions had previously been circulated. 1 motion was submitted and accepted on the day.

Click here to download AGM Motions and Committee Nominations.

Click here to download additonal motion.

All the motions were passed (with some reworded ahead of acceptance).

The CS&PF rules have been updated to reflect the agreed upon changes.

The changes include a change to the relay assessment swim requirements. Previously, the relay assessment swim requirement was a 2 hour swim in water 61°F/16°C or less.

The new wording is as follows and will come into effect for the 2021 season: 

All swimmers taking part in a relay team swim must supply written proof/ratification of a 1.5 hours swim then leave the water for a minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of 1.5 hours – then return to the water and swim for 1 more hour swim in water 61°F/16°C or less or proof of completion in a recognised event for a period considered by the CS&PF to be an acceptable alternative within the previous 18 months.

Sandettie Lightship Observations

7pm, 11th February 2025

Water: 45.9 °F (7.7 °C)

Air: 40.8 °F (4.9 °C)

Wind Speed: 9.9 kn (18.3 km/h)

Wind Direction: WNW (300°)

Channel Weather 

The CS&PF President, Mike Ball and all the committee are deeply saddened by the passing of Ady Brown.…

2 years ago