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Rules update MARCH 2024
Words imputing the singular only shall include the plural and vice versa.
Words imputing the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender.
Words imputing persons shall include organisations.
(a) To promote the sport of long distance open water swimming world-wide and assist organisations and swimmers to attempt such swims in all ways possible.
(b) To promote, assist, observe and authenticate swimmers and sports persons in their attempts to cross the English Channel/La Manche by swimming and "any other means" of crossings such as (without limit) rowing, canoeing and sailing.
(c) To provide advice, information and registration facilities (including digitally via the Federation’s website), the organisation of attempts to cross "by any means" acceptable to the relevant authorities the English Channel/La Manche.
(d) To assist in setting up and/or observing and authenticating such swims and "crossings by other means" as indicated in (b) and (c) above, provide advice or other assistance in relation to any dispute between members of the Federation or between a member of the Federation and another entity body or person relevant to or affecting the Federation’s Objectives.
(e) To form a register of recognised pilots and assist with the professional requirements, advice, information and guidelines to enable them to operate on a professional basis. To act as a contact between the pilots, the government departments and any sports persons requiring such services. To promote a standard that makes the Federation a leading authority, in co-operation with the government bodies, on organisation and safety requirements of such crossings.
(f) To formulate and adjudicate upon a set of rules and guidelines under which such attempts can take place and become a governing body for such attempts. To subscribe to or become a member of any association, club or governing body as deemed necessary to forward the aims of the Federation. To enable other entities or persons to become affiliated or otherwise associated with the Federation for the purpose of benefiting or assisting the Federation or its reputation.
(g) To apply for any permissions and governmental requirements as are, or shall be required to allow such events to continue. To modify or adjust any of the powers of the Federation to allow its best operation.
(h) The Channel Swimming and Piloting Federation is a non profit making organisation. Any funds remaining after expenses, services, rent and running costs etc. have been paid and accounted for will be paid into the Federation accounts and used solely to peruse the objectives of the Federation. Should the CS&PF be wound up for any reason any funds remaining after debts and expenses have been cleared and all assets realised, will not be returned to the members but will be transferred to a sports governing body, a registered Community Amateur Sports Club or a registered charity by the Committee.
Membership is open to all persons irrespective of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs who have an interest in long distance swimming world-wide including attempts to cross the English Channel/La Manche by swimming or "any other means" of crossing requiring an escort/pilot and who will act in the interests of the CS&PF and preserve its reputation and goodwill.
A person requesting membership should complete either the CS&PF membership application form or apply via a CS&PF swim application form to be considered by the committee for membership. The Committee will consider and determine each application in accordance with these Rules and based on the Committee’s opinion that the applicant will comply with these Rules.
All members and applicants for membership (whether applications are made in conjunction with a swim application or separately), must comply with the Rules including all processes and directions as are approved and implemented from time to time by the Committee of the Federation in accordance with the Rules. Failure to so comply may, at the sole discretion of the Committee, result in the termination of membership with or without notice.
Any application for membership will be treated as an application for full membership for one person (with an entitlement to one vote per motion or resolution) and running from the date of acceptance until 31st December in the same year. The Committee will determine the fees for membership.
Applications for joint memberships, family memberships or any other types of membership other than full membership, ten year membership and honorary membership, shall not be available with effect from 1st January 2016. Ten year memberships will be available as from 1st January 2024 at a cost of £160 subject to revision by the Committee and AGM.
All Federation recognised Pilots must be and remain registered with the Federation and be both experienced and qualified as required the Federation to be recognised. Proof of current experience and qualifications to be supplied to the Federation each year before the swim season starts and any changes of circumstances and updates thereafter advised.
Pilot recognition will be reviewed and (if necessary) revised by the committee annually. A precondition to pilot recognition and its continuation of recognition will be the requirement of the pilot to work within the CS&PF’s current rules and any guidelines suggested by the CS&PF Committee from time to time.
Registered Pilots will be made Honorary Members (with power to vote) for the years in which they are recognised, registered and escorting crossings.
Pilots wishing to be recognised by the Federation may apply to the Committee submitting their details, experience and qualifications. Final acceptance shall be subject to recognition by the Federation Committee. On acceptance they will be added to the “Recognised Pilots” list for working within the active escort boat crews. Pilot additions to the recognised Pilot list is to be in order of the date of recognition by the Committee. The Pilot list shall be available from the CS&PF office upon request.
Observers will be made Honorary Members (with power to vote) for the years in which they carry out one or more formally observed swim attempts on behalf of the Federation.
All serving Officers and members of the Committee will be made Honorary Members of the CS&PF (with power to vote) only for the years in which they are elected.
Honorary life members can be nominated by the Committee or a CS&PF member and a vote taken at the Annual General Meeting. If accepted they will have full voting powers.
Each full member shall have one vote. Persons qualifying for a vote at the AGM in any year are (1) members on the membership list as at 31st December in the year immediately preceding the AGM and (2) members registered in the period prior to the AGM in the same year as the AGM.
All membership will run from 1st January to the 31st December. New membership will run from the acceptance date of membership to 31st December.
Full annual membership fees are to be set yearly at the Annual General Meeting.
Membership fees shall be set at the AGM for the immediately following calendar year and thereafter, subject to any change proposed by the Committee from time to time and which is approved by the members at a General Meeting. Details of the membership fee applying in the current year shall be posted on the Federation website.
(a) Recognised Pilots/owners and their appointed managing agents operate as independent and separate businesses. The Channel Swimming & Piloting Federation has no administrative, operational, financial or commercial links other than to recognise the registered pilots and their registered escort vessels.
(b) The recognised Pilots/owners and their Managing agents are responsible for the commercial certification and registration of their CF&PF recognised escort vessels. It is the Managing agent’s responsibility to make sure that each escort vessel operating with CS&PF recognition is commercially certificated, well maintained and correctly insured and registered as required by law. Each escort vessel is to be operated by a suitably qualified ships master and crew to the required standards to operate within the parameters of their work commitment.
(c) Recognised escort vessels must operate with a qualified ships master and a recognised CS&PF pilot onboard while escorting CS&PF swims and crossings.
(d) It is the registered Pilot who is recognised by the CS&PF to take swim reservations and to accept the responsibility of Channel swim reservations requests/ commitments from swimmers reserving a swim position with them.
This is to be on a rolling system of 3 years/ seasons in advance during which it is the responsibility of the Pilot/ owners and their managing agents involved in taking the reservations to make sure that any fees paid, and bookings accepted from swimmers are secure and protected.
(e) It is the responsibility of the Pilot/owner and their managing agent to agree to supply a CS&PF recognised commercially registered escort vessel with a commercially certificated ships master and a CS&PF recognised Pilot for the period of the 3 years covering the vessel’s/pilot’s secured advanced booking agreements.
The financial year of the Federation shall start on the 1st January end on the 31st December up to which date all accounts and reports shall be made.
The Federation's decision on the interpretation of these rules and any other question is final and binding. All instructions, rules and conditions elsewhere on the Federation website and in any publications, guidance or instruction sheet or form of the Federation published, issued or otherwise in use from time to time shall form part of these Rules although in the event of conflict these provisions shall prevail over all such other instructions, rules and conditions. Unless otherwise required by law, any guidance offered by the Federation in connection with an attempt to swim the Channel (or cross by any other means), whether provided via a form, its website or email or other communication, is made without responsibility or liability on the part of the Federation or its officers and any reliance placed upon such guidance by any person shall be at that person's sole risk.
(a) The general management, conduct and direction of the Federation shall be vested in the general Committee which shall consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and seven (7) elected full members, together with the President and Vice President. The Committee will have the power to co-opt up to three (3) additional members with voting rights for specific duties.
(b) The positions of office as President and Vice President shall be nominated by the Committee members for approval at the next AGM and may (but shall not be required to) include any person already holding a Committee post. Either or both positions of President and Vice President will remain vacant if no nomination is made or if the CSPF membership does not ratify the nomination at the immediately following AGM. From the date of nomination by the Committee and (if ratified at AGM) for the full term of 3 years (or such other term as the Committee shall have nominated for that office-nomination), the President elect/President and the Vice President elect/Vice President shall have the right to receive notice of and to attend, be counted in the quorum of and to vote at any Committee meeting, subject always to the passing of any contrary resolution of the CS&PF membership at any time. Any person ratified at AGM as President or Vice President may not hold that office for more than 2 consecutive terms (with each term commencing on and from the date at which the appointment to the position is ratified at AGM) and thereafter must stand down for at least 3 years. A person who has served one or two terms of office as President may be nominated by the Committee for the office of Vice President and vice versa. Any such other-office nomination shall be effective from the immediately following AGM and no rights shall attach to the position of other-office elect during the period up to the AGM. Ratification at AGM of an other-office position shall postpone (and not remove) the requirement for that person to stand down from both offices for at least 3 years after consecutively serving in any order two terms of office as President and two terms of office as Vice President.
(c) The decision of the Federation in all disputes, questions referred to them, or matters over which they have control, shall be final and binding upon the members. Members shall have the right to appeal, in person if desired, at the next full Committee or General Meeting. The Committee shall have the power to make, amend or suspend by-laws from time to time for the proper management and good order of the Federation.
d) The CS&PF officers and Committee members, (excluding President and Vice President) are to be elected by rotation with half (1/2) being elected every year over a two year period.
The CS&PF officer positions are to be elected from CS&PF members who are serving or have served on the CS&PF Committee. If there are no nominations for officer positions from among CS&PF members who are serving or have served on the CS&PF Committee, the secretary will notify the membership accordingly and the election of other full members of the CS&PF to officer positions will be permitted.
Nominations for the appointment of the Officers and to fill the Committee positions, each proposed and seconded by full members, shall be given in writing to the Secretary at least twenty-one days (21 days) before the date of the Annual General Meeting and made available to full members.
If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies, then a paper ballot shall be taken, each full member present at the meeting having one vote in respect of each vacancy. Elected members shall take office at once.
Full members shall sign in at the beginning of the meeting, giving their CS&PF number and collect a voting card. Annual members will be eligible to vote at the AGM in their year of membership and at the AGM immediately following their year of membership.
(e) The Agenda of the business to be transacted at each General Meeting shall be posted on the CS&PF web site at least 14 days before the meeting. No resolution, except such as relates to the adoption of the Reports at the Annual General Meeting, shall be moved at any General Meeting unless notice thereof, duly signed by a proposer and seconder, stating its terms, has been delivered to the Secretary at least 21 days before the meeting, for inclusion in the Agenda.
The Chairman may at his discretion, however, accept amendments arising out of discussion of items of the Agenda, and he may also allow non-controversial matters which he may consider reasonable, to be raised and discussed.
(f) The Committee will have the power to delegate to and contract with one or more self-employed consultants and/or businesses to carry out (or provide supporting services in connection with) any or all of the functions stated below (or any part of a function) on such remuneration, duration and other terms as it considers appropriate in its discretion (and whether or not such delegate is a member of the Committee or the CS&PF or is interested as an owner, controller or employee of such delegate) and in so doing may commit the CS&PF to pay remuneration therefore, namely:
(i) the administrative and operational services of the CS&PF office,
(ii) the appointment, training and coordination of CS&PF observers for swim attempts,
(iii) the preparation and/or auditing of management and/or statutory financial accounts for the CS&PF or any of its operations,
(iv) legal support for the Committee or the CS&PF, and
(v) such other functions as are determined by the Committee from time to time.
(i) The Committee shall have the power to appoint an Observer Liaison Officer, Pilot Liaison Officer and Coastguard/negotiation officer from within the Committee membership. The committee can form sub Committees for specific purposes to be chaired by a Committee officer.
A quorum of at least five Committee members including at least two officers shall transact the business of the Federation.
(j) The Committee shall appoint three of its number to act as CS&PF Trustees and shall maintain that number by appointing a replacement to fill any vacancy following the removal or resignation of a Trustee. Each appointed Trustee shall be deemed to have ceased to be a Trustee upon ceasing to be a member of the Committee). All funds and property of the club shall be vested jointly in the Trustees. The Trustees shall act, as to such funds or property, in accordance with the directions of the Committee.
(k) Policies and Procedures: The Committee recognises the importance of continuous improvement and acknowledging changes in society. To address the expectations of the membership there is a desire to formalise how the CS&PF organisation operates. To achieve this Policies and Procedures are being written.
It is proposed that the full committee has the authority to review, approve and implement policies and procedures. This will enhance the operation of the organisation and the ability to serve the membership in a professional manner.
All approved Policies and Procedures will be available on the website.
Recently three documents have been prepared that cover the requirements for Pilots, property of the CS&PF and how complaints are dealt with. It is intended to gradually introduce additional documents that will deal with topics including GDPR; H&S; Social
Media; Administration; Bullying; Swimmers; Support Teams; Escort Vessels and Observers.
We believe that this is best practice and shows our commitment to a continuing improvement intent for the CS&PF.
(a) To carry out the rules and transact the business of the Federation.
(b) To meet at least two times a year.
(c) To appoint members to fill any vacancy that may occur among the officers and Committee until the next AGM or General meeting.
(d) To appoint sub-Committees that will report to the Committee.
(e) To exercise financial control over the funds of the Federation and to present annual Accounts and Balance Sheet at the Annual General Meeting.
(f) To uphold and promote the objectives of the Federation.
(g) To assist swimmers and sports persons in their enquiries and attempts at crossing the English Channel/La Manche and authenticate claims of swimmers that have swum the Channel within the rules.
(h) To recognise CS&PF Pilots, and their escort vessels for CS&PF escort duties and to register both the CS&PF recognised pilots and recognised escort vessels with the British and French authorities annually.
(i) To record details of all swims, and retain documents used in connection therewith. For a swim to be officially recognised at least two members of the Committee must read, check and ratify the observer's report that has been submitted along with any other paperwork requested and considered relevant.
(j) To take any other action to further the interests of the Federation.
The Treasurer shall oversee all the Federation accounts and the banking of all monies received and deposited on behalf of the Federation and delegate the responsibilities so involved. All Federation cheques shall be signed by any of the appointed signatories who shall be the Treasurer, the Secretary, the Chairman and one other officer in accordance with the bank mandate.
Channel aspirants shall pay Swim Registration fees to cover the expenses of the Federation. The Fees for each year shall be fixed by the Committee annually in accordance with any direction of the Membership at the immediately preceding Annual General Meeting or, if none, at the discretion of the Committee. The fees are to be posted on the Federation website before 1st January in each year and rates for solo, relay, single and multiple crossing-attempts are to apply throughout the year. If rates for administrative fees are included for registration-changes, late payments or other reasons, these are illustrative only and are subject to change at the direction of the Committee.
Any swim registration fees not used in the current year may be reclaimed by no later than 31st of December in that year (failing which they shall cease to be returnable and shall be added to the Federation funds). Any reclaim-application shall be subject to an administration fee to be determined by the Committee in its discretion.
Each successful swimmer will receive one certificate (included in the swim registration fee) after the ratification of a successful swim report. Extra certificates may be ordered from the Secretary after ratification of a successful swim subject to an administration fee to be determined by the Committee in its discretion.
The swim will not be officially observed unless the appropriate Federation fees have been paid and the medical form and application form have been completed in full and received by the CS&PF office to the satisfaction of the Federation and prior to the swim as dictated within the Rules.
A CS&PF recognised Pilot and Official Observer must be present on any CS&PF Solo or Relay Team swim attempt for it to be recognised.
(a) CS&PF medical and application forms must be used for every swim or crossing application and will be available from the office or for download from the CS&PF website from 1st January in the year of the swim or as soon afterwards as the Committee are able to provide the same.
1. If you cannot complete any of the required stages within the time frame you must contact the CS&PF Office to ask if a time concession can be allowed. The CS&PF will consider any requests to do so on an individual basis: the grant or refusal of a concession in the case of one application shall not oblige the CS&PF to grant or refuse a concession in any other case. The CS&PF may impose such conditions (including time limits) as it deems appropriate upon the granting of a concession.
2. The CS&PF application form and medical forms must be submitted to the CS&PF office before 30th April. Failure to do so shall cause an application to become invalid unless specifically ruled otherwise in writing by the CS&PF in its discretion.
3. Your application must be completed and finalised by the 31st of May. Failure to do so shall cause an application to become invalid unless specifically ruled otherwise in writing by the CS&PF in its discretion.
4. The CS&PF needs to be able to register all completed swim applications for the season with the British and French authorities by the first week of June, or as requested by the authorities.
5. The office must be informed and agree to any changes to applications after they are submitted. All applications and paperwork submissions must include swimmer/ team name, pilot and proposed swim date.
(b) Swims will be categorised as Standard, Special or Assisted according to the method and/or aids used.
The swimmer may wear only one swimsuit in one or two pieces which shall not extend past the shoulder or below the knee. All swimsuits shall be made from textile materials. Caps may not be made from neoprene or any other material which offers similar heat retention properties (as determined by the CS&PF Committee).
Permitted swimwear: No swimmer in a standard attempt to swim the Channel shall be permitted to use or wear any device or swimsuit that may aid his/her speed, buoyancy, heat retention or endurance (such as wetsuit, webbed gloves, paddles, fins etc.) The swimmer is permitted to grease the body before a swim, use goggle and one hat. Nose clips and earplugs are permitted. Any kind of tape on the body is not permitted unless approved by the committee in advance and clarified by the observer.
Permitted male costumes: Textile non-performance enhancing traditional swimming trunks or jammers from the waist to knee made of knitted (not woven) materials, with sewn (not bonded or taped) seams and without hydrophobic coating.
Permitted female costumes: Textile non-performance enhancing traditional female costume or costumes extending shoulders to knees made of knitted (not woven) materials with sewn (not bonded or taped) seams and without hydrophobic coating.
Previous swims up to and including 2023 will continue to be recognised where they complied with the CS&PF rules in force at the time of the swim.
Silicone or latex hats are permitted .
The observer will have to confirm that the swimwear rules have been observed. The swimmer must be sure that their costume and cap are of an approved type before the swim starts as the swim will not be recognised if they are later found not to conform. If you have any doubt, please seek advice and/or approval from the CS&PF Committee prior to the swim giving sufficient notice for any research or investigations to be completed.
During a swim no physical contact with the swimmer shall be made by any person other than to pass food and drink or secure such items as light sticks for safety reasons.
The use of MP3 players and other electrical audio devices shall not be allowed by the swimmer while swimming during any English Channel swim attempt unless for safety reasons.
Gender: This is determined by swimmer identifying as male/female/other as shown on passport or official documentation.
This is a relay category swim only and listed under Rule 12 "Relay swims"
An assisted category swim will be to the same rules as a standard swim except for the allowance, by prior arrangement with the Federation, of the minimum additional aids or contact as is deemed necessary for the safety of the swim on medical or other agreed grounds. An assisted category swim will only be accepted after prior agreement with the Federation Committee.
(c) For a swim to be officially recognised, the swimmer must enter into the sea from the shore of departure, swim across the English Channel
(i) to finish on dry land, or
(ii) to touch steep cliffs of the opposite coast with no sea-water beyond. Swimmers may finish in harbour water provided they land as in (i).
(iii) finish by touching the Calais outer harbour wall if the circumstances are such that the swim might be aborted or stopped by the French authorities because an ebb tide will take the swimmer across the harbour entrance.
(d) For a multiple crossing to be officially recognised, the swimmer must, as soon as they make contact with the ground, land as directly as possible in accordance with rule 11(c). They must then return immediately to the water, where they may stand or sit for up to 10 minutes. During this time they must not be touched by any person, but may be handed food, grease, medicines or swimming apparel to be administered by them. They must then, in agreement with the Observer, make the most direct and reasonable way to water deep enough in which to swim, and commence swimming. In all the above conditions, the Observer's ruling will be recorded and subject to official ratification by the Committee.
The time spent before the return swim starts shall be added to the time of the subsequent crossing.
(e) Every application for recognition of a swim must be accompanied by the escort vessel/ pilots chart positions and by the Observer's Report, recording incidents, time, tides, method of feeding, etc. Observer’s log: For a swim to be ratified an ‘Observer’s Boat Log’ is required.
Observer’s log: For a swim to be ratified an ‘Observer’s Boat Log’ is required. The pilot must provide this log and give it to the observer at the swim completion and be submitted for ratification by the observer.
The log can be in the form of the sample available, or one that has been approved by the CS&PF for ratification purposes The Committee may call for additional evidence if they require it.
(f) The appointed Observer shall be in sole charge of the timing of the swim, and shall be responsible for observing compliance with the rules, subject to ratification by the Committee.
(g) The timing of a swim shall start from the moment the swimmer enters the water until they complete the swim as laid down in Rule 11(c).
(h) On their arrival in the Dover area the swimmer must advise the Secretary and the Pilot of their place of residence. All documentation must be completed by the time limits laid down in the CS&PF information and any changes in dates or arrangements for Pilots etc must be reported as soon as possible but before the swim starts.The Pilots/managing agents are required to give the Secretary and the Observer Liaison Officer a full 24 hours notice of the possible departure of the escort vessel. Failure to give such notice could mean that an Official Observer may not be able to be appointed and the swim will not be able to proceed.
(i) The Federation shall not observe solo attempts to swim the Channel by persons under 16 years of age. Swimmers shall be over 16 years at least 3 days before the swim starts, and for registration purposes, at the beginning of the swim period they are booked to swim in. The Committee shall be empowered to examine and to refuse to accept if thought necessary, the applications of persons to attempt to swim the Channel especially when they are over 55 years of age.
(j) Swimmers must be aged 12 years for at least 3 days before they can swim in a standard relay team, subject to correct registration and to their medicals being accepted. See relay rules 12.
(k) All aspirants must satisfy the Federation of their competence to make a realistic effort to undertake a successful attempt to swim the Channel.
All swimmers taking part in a solo swim must complete a self assessment swim for at least 6 hours in open water at a temperature of no more tha 61F/16C and which is carried out specifically for a purpose or as an organised event which the committee considers (in its discretion) to be a suitable alternative, in either case, which has taken place no more than 18 calendar months prior to the 1st June in the year of the application. Winter Swim Assessments, If a swim is registered to take place between 1 November and 30 April, the qualifying temperature for an assessment swim will be 12c or less, or as defined by the pilot.
All swimmers taking part in a relay swim must complete a self assessment swim for at least a 1.5 hours swim then leave the water for a minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of 1.5 hours – then return to the water and swim for 1 more hour in open water at a temperature of no more than 61°F / 16°C and which is carried out specifically for the purpose or as an organised event which the Committee considers (in its discretion ) to be a suitable alternative, in either case, which has taken place no more than 18 calendar months prior to the 1st June in the Year of application. Winter Swim Assessments, If a swim is registered to take place between 1 November and 30 April, the qualifying temperature for an assessment swim will be 12c or less, or as defined by the pilot.
Every application for a solo or relay swimmer must complete a Swim Assessment Form available for download from the CS&PF web site and submit this together with supporting proof/ratification of the self-assessment swim or (if an organised event wherein satisfactory participation is a matter of public online record) the website address at which such proof is evident.
(l) The use of drugs by participants in Channel Swimming, other than for therapeutic reasons in accordance with medical advice, is regarded with complete disapproval and is considered contrary to the spirit of the sport. Any swimmer unable to participate without the administration of banned drugs must submit their application to the Federation Committee with ample time for its consideration. The Federation reserve the right to make random drug tests on Channel aspirants. The Observer may require a sample of any medication given.
(m) Only Federation registered Pilots who are members of the CS&PF and hold the required recognition will be recognised to pilot CS&PF crossings.
Only Federation registered escort vessels with the required commercial certification, and appointed certificated ships master and CS&PF recognised Pilot onboard will be recognised for escorting CS&PF registered crossings.
CS&PF recognised escort vessel documentation and certification are to be produced within 7 days if requested by the CS&PF office.
Pilots recognition will be reviewed on an annual basis. Pilot and escort vessel details will be registered with the British and French authorities on an annual basis by the Federation office. It is the responsibility of the pilot/managing agent/owner of the escort vessel to inform the Federation of any changes in circumstances which will invalidate the required qualifications and certifications.
(n) In no circumstances shall more than one swimmer at a time be allowed to make their attempt from the same pilot boat.
(o) Only one dinghy or inflatable at a time shall be permitted to operate with a recognised escort vessel.
(p) During solo swims a swimmer may be accompanied in the water by 1 person only & not accompanied at all until after the first 3 hours. This accompaniment will be for a maximum of 1 hour & cannot be repeated until at least 2 hours have elapsed after the cessation of the accompaniment.
The second swimmer may swim alongside, but not in front, of the solo aspirant & must not impede the solo swimmer.
For health & safety reasons the CS&PF pilot/ ships master must agree to any request for a support swimmer before they enter the water to accompany the swimmer.
The pilot/ ships master may, at his or her discretion, request that a second swimmer join the solo aspirant outside of these times for a short period on the grounds of safety. (i.e. if a swimmer suffers severe cramps). Similarly, the pilot/ships master may ask for accompaniment at the very end of a solo swim if the conditions dictate. This is to be allowed even if the request is within 2 hours of a previous accompaniment.
No support swimming is to be allowed on a relay swim.
Relay team leaders are responsible for collating and submitting properly completed forms, supporting documentation and fees within the time permitted. No communication will be processed in the event of any failure to include prominently and clearly the Team name and the team leader’s name. The CS&PF reserves the right to reject any submission which is incomplete and submitted by anyone other than the Team leader.
Relay swims will be divided into the same categories as solo swims - Standard, Special, Assisted. Any alteration from a standard crossing must be agreed by the federation committee before the start of the swim.
The swimmer may wear only one swimsuit in one or two pieces which shall not extend past the shoulder or below the knee. All swimsuits shall be made from textile materials. Caps may not be made from neoprene or any other material which offers similar heat retention properties (as determined by the CS&PF Committee).
Permitted swimwear: No swimmer in a standard attempt to swim the Channel shall be permitted to use or wear any device or swimsuit that may aid his/her speed, buoyancy, heat retention or endurance (such as wetsuit, webbed gloves, paddles, fins etc.) The swimmer is permitted to grease the body before a swim, use goggle and one hat. Nose clips and earplugs are permitted. Any kind of tape on the body is not permitted unless approved by the committee in advance and clarified by the observer.
Permitted male costumes: Textile non-performance enhancing traditional swimming trunks or jammers from the waist to knee made of knitted (not woven) materials, with sewn (not bonded or taped) seams and without hydrophobic coating.
Permitted female costumes: Textile non-performance enhancing traditional female costume or costumes extending shoulders to knees made of knitted (not woven) materials with sewn (not bonded or taped) seams and without hydrophobic coating.
Previous swims up to and including 2023 will continue to be recognised where they complied with the CS&PF rules in force at the time of the swim.
Silicone or latex hats are permitted .
The observer will have to confirm that the swimwear rules have been observed. The swimmer must be sure that their costume and cap are of an approved type before the swim starts as the swim will not be recognised if they are later found not to conform. If you have any doubt, please seek advice and/or approval from the CS&PF Committee prior to the swim giving sufficient notice for any research or investigations to be completed.
During a swim no physical contact with the swimmer shall be made by any person other than to pass food and drink or secure such items as light sticks for safety reasons.
The use of MP3 players and other electrical audio devices shall not be allowed by the swimmer while swimming during any English Channel swim attempt unless for safety reasons.
Gender: This is determined by swimmer identifying as male/female/other as shown on passport or official documentation.
(a) Each standard team shall consist of 6 swimmers each swimming for 1 hour. The order of the swim shall be determined by the order of swimmers entering the water to commence their first swim leg. No team member may start their second swim leg before the first swimmer has completed their second swim leg. Once the first swimmer commences their second swim leg, the same order must be maintained throughout the swim.
Swimmers in relay teams shall be over 12 years old 3 days before the relay swim starts, and for registration purposes, the beginning of the swim period their team is booked to swim in. They shall be under 16 years of age for at least 24 hours after the swim finishes for it to be classified as a Junior Relay team swim.
Junior swimmers (over 12 and under 16 years of age) will only be allowed to swim in 6-person (standard), 7-person or 8-person relay team swims.
All swimmers taking part in a relay team swim must supply written proof/ratification of a 1.5 hours swim then leave the water for a minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of 1.5 hours – then return to the water and swim for 1 more hour swim in water 61°F/16°C or less or proof of completion in a recognised event for a period considered by the CS&PF to be an acceptable alternative within the previous 18 months.
In no circumstances shall more than 1 team be allowed to make their attempt escorted by the same pilot boat.
(b) Each swimmer shall swim for one or two hours - 60 minutes or 120 minutes each time he/she enters the water as designated by the choice of the relay swim leg time period options
(c) The change-over/takeover from one swimmer to the next in a relay should take place every 60 minutes or 120 minutes if for a two or three person relay option, with the new swimmer entering the water on a signal given by the observer at the end of the completion of the required 60 minute or 120 minute swim period. During the change-over the new swimmer must enter the water from behind and swim past the preceding swimmer. The swimmer that has completed their designated swim period of 60 minutes or 120 minutes must exit the water as quickly as possible and within a maximum of five minutes.
(d) Team members shall rotate in the same order throughout the swim. Pace-making or the use of a support swimmer is NOT allowed.
(e) The pilot/ships master may ask for the accompaniment of a safety swimmer at the very end of a relay swim if the conditions dictate.
(f) A CS&PF recognised Pilot and Official Observer of the Federation must be present on any CS&PF Relay Team swim for it to be recognised.
A Special category relay will be run under the same rules as a standard relay except for the allowance of the number of persons in the team. Teams can be 2,3, 4, 5, 7 or 8 people. Teams of 2 or 3 persons will be allowed the option of choosing between 1 or 2 hour swim periods for the duration of the relay swim. The option must be declared before the start of the crossing and maintained through out the crossing.
An Assisted category relay will be to the same rules as a standard relay except for the allowance, by prior arrangement with the Federation, of the minimum additional aids or contact as is deemed necessary for the safety of the swim on medical or other agreed grounds. An assisted category relay will only be accepted after prior agreement with the Federation committee.
The General Rules of the Channel Swimming & Piloting Federation shall apply at all times.
All swimmers must be fully paid up members of the Federation before they can swim.
All relay team members must be full members of the Federation.
All swimmers taking part in a solo swim must supply written proof/ratification of a 6 hour swim in water 61°F / 16°C or less or proof of completion in a recognised event for a period considered by the CS&PF to be an acceptable alternative within the previous 18 months.
All swimmers taking part in a relay team swim must supply written proof/ ratification of a 1.5 hours swim then leave the water for a minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of 1.5 hours – then return to the water and swim for 1 more hour swim in water 61°F/16°C or less or proof of completion in a recognised event for a period considered by the CS&PF to be an acceptable alternative within the previous 18 months. Winter Swim Assessments, If a swim is registered to take place between 1 November and 30 April, the qualifying temperature for an assessment swim will be 12c or less, or as defined by the pilot.
Crossings by "any other means" must be approved of and allowed by the authorities and the terms of the attempt are to be agreed by the Federation before they are accepted. The authorities will be advised of all such applications. Ratification forms for 6 hour solo assessment swims and relay assessment swims (1.5 hours swim then leave the water for 1 to 1.5 hours - then return to the water for 1 hour) are available on the CS&PF web site or from the CS&PF office. Winter Swim Assessments, If a swim is registered to take place between 1 November and 30 April, the qualifying temperature for an assessment swim will be 12c or less, or as defined by the pilot.
- 21 Jan 2025
2025 Notice of CS&PF AGM
Notice of CS&PF AGMFor the year ended 31st December 2024To be held atThe Channel Suite, Leas Cliff HallThe Leas, FolkestoneCT20 2DZ1pm on the 15th March 2025 Full members of the Channel Swimming and Piloting Federation are requested to note that any nominations for CS&PF officers and committee positions and/or notices of motions must be with the CS&PF secretary, in writing, at least 21 clear days before the AGM. This year that means the deadline is midnight on Friday 21st February 2025 CS&PF rules state:-The CS&PF Officers and Committee members, (excluding President and Vice President) to be elected by rotation with half (1/2) being elected every year over a 2 year period. CS&PF officer positions are to be elected from CS&PF members who are serving or have served on the CS&PF committee. Officer and committee positions due for election in 2025 President: Mike Ball (nominated by the CS&PF committee)Vice-President: Michael Oram (nominated by the CS&PF committee) The ChairmanThe SecretaryTwo Committee member positions All persons wishing to stand must be full CS&PF members (please include membership numbers). Nominations must be proposed and seconded by CS&PF Full Members (again, please include membership numbers). All nominations must be made within the rules available on the CS&PF web site (under the ‘about us’ heading). Notices of Motion Any motions put forward for inclusion in the AGM agenda must be submitted to the CS&PF secretary (email: or by post to 5, Charter House, Camden Crescent, Dover, CT16 1LE) with the names and signatures of the proposer and seconder. The proposer and seconder must be full CS&PF members (including membership numbers). Voting will be by paper ballot for any contested positions or motions. Read more
Sandettie Lightship Observations
7pm, 11th February 2025
Water: 45.9 °F (7.7 °C)
Air: 40.8 °F (4.9 °C)
Wind Speed: 9.9 kn (18.3 km/h)
Wind Direction: WNW (300°)
The CS&PF President, Mike Ball and all the committee are deeply saddened by the passing of Ady Brown.…
2 years ago