Channel Swimming & Piloting Federation "Nothing great is easy", Captain Matthew Webb

Sandettie Lightship Buoy Data

All times are UTC/GMT, adjusted by one hour ahead during the summer to British Summer Time (BST).

All times are UTC/GMT, adjusted by one hour ahead during the summer to British Summer Time (BST).
Tidal range is the absolute difference between high and low Dover tides.

There were 8 swim dates with a total of 23 swims in our solo swims database during July 2011: 10th (3), 11th (1), 20th (3), 21st (1), 25th (4), 26th (6), 27th (3), 28th (2). Highlight swim datesDarker shades mean more swims on a particular day.


  • Data shown on these graphs are from the Sandettie Lightship Buoy automatic weather station. It is the closest station measuring sea temperatures and weather to the Channel swimming routes.
  • To track graph values move the mouse over the graph area. To change graph resolution, highlight the area of interest. To zoom out, double-click on the graph area.
  • Sandettie data is provided by the Met Office: it contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0. Please read our detailed notes on Sandettie data and interpreting these graphs and values.
  • Tide range data is calculated by the XTide freeware. See our Tides section for more information. 
  • If you have any suggestions or comments on how we presented this data, please contact us.