26 Feb 20242024 CS&PF AGM 9th March Saturday 9th of March 2024 at 1300 hours (1pm) Leas Cliff Hall, The Leas, Folkestone CT20 2DZ
CS&PF AGM 9th March
Saturday 9th of March 2024 at 1300 hours (1pm)
Leas Cliff Hall, The Leas, Folkestone
CT20 2DZ
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of the 2023 AGM
- Matters Arising
- President's Report
- The Chairman's Report
- The Hon. Secretary's Report
- The Hon. Treasurer's Report
- The Observer Liaison Report
- Tenders Sub-Committee Report
- Election of Officers
- Elections of Committee
- Motions
- Any other business
Nominations for Officer and Committee positions
(in alphabetical order)
Simon Ellis Proposer Katherine Batts. Seconder Tony Kenyon
Katherine Batts Proposer Simon Ellis. Seconder Paul Foreman
(Members present at the AGM should vote for five nominees)
Nick Adams Proposer Michael Ball Seconder Simon Ellis
Jim Boucher Proposer Kathy Batts Seconder Kevin
Cliff Golding Proposer Kevin Murphy Seconder Kathy Batts
Lee Johnson Proposer Kevin Murphy Seconder Kathy Batts
Steve Stievenart Proposer Simon Ellis Seconder Kathy Batts
Marcus Teixeira Proposer Deborah Vine Seconder Stuart Bowman
All fees are paid in £ sterling. All payments by cheque or draft should be made out to “CS&PF” or Channel Swimming & Piloting Federation. All fees come into effect on 1 January 2024. Please note that CS&PF registration and swim fees are a separate item to your pilot fees.
CS&PF Fees
2024 Administration Fees, payable with all swim applications
Administration fees cover the costs of running CS&PF office and general CS&PF expenses.
Applications submitted to the CS&PF Office before the deadline of 30 April will be charged adiscounted administration fee of:
Solo -- £145
Relay -- £180
Applications received, by the CS&PF Office after 30 April will be deemed to have exceeded the time allowed for postage and will be charged a full fee of:
Solo -- £170
Relay -- £220
2024 Swim Fees, payable with all swim applications
Swim fees cover the cost of observer expenses and CS&PF Swim liaison officer.
1-way attempt £160.00
2-way attempt £360.00
3-way attempt £450.00
Swims/ crossings greater than 3-way, or for other swim courses not by the “direct route” are to be determined by the General Committee on their merits and the duties of the observer. Fees for extraordinary swims not covered above to be by negotiation.
2024 Membership Fees
Annual membership: £20
New membership will run from the acceptance date of membership to 31st December 2024. All 2024 members are entitled to a vote at the 2024 CS&PF AGM. Every swimmer is required to become and remain a member from no later than registration of a swim until after the swim has been completed at the earliest. New membership will run from the acceptance date of membership to 31st December in the year of the swim, all members from the previous year are entitled to a vote at the CS&PF AGM in the immediately following year.
Ten year individual membership: £160
Summary of Registration:
The 2024 CS&PF administration and swim fees for a 1-way SOLO swim are:
Administration: £145 (£170 if posted after 30 April) plus
Swim Fee: £160 plus
Annual membership: £20
Total fees for 2024: £325 (£350 if posted after 30 April), including annual membership.
The 2024 CS&PF administration and swim fees for a 1-way, 6-person RELAY swim are:
Administration: £180 (£220 if posted after 30 April) plus
Swim Fee: £160 plus
Annual membership: 6 x £20 = £120.
Total fees for 2024: £460, (£500 if posted after 30 April). The exact total depends on the number of swimmers in a relay.
Substitute with the Following :
All fees are paid in £ sterling. All payments by cheque or draft should be made out to “CS&PF”; or Channel Swimming & Piloting Federation. All fees come into effect on 1 January 2025. Please note that CS&PF registration and swim fees are a separate item to your pilot fees.
CS&PF Fees
2025 Administration Fees, payable with all swim applications
Administration fees cover the costs of running CS&PF office and general CS&PF expenses.
Applications submitted to the CS&PF Office before the deadline of 30th April will be charged a discounted administration fee of:
Solo -- £170
Relay -- £210
Applications received, by the CS&PF Office after 30th April will be deemed to have exceeded the time
allowed for postage and will be charged a full fee of:
Solo -- £195
Relay -- £235
2025 Swim Fees, payable with all swim applications
Swim fees cover the cost of observer expenses and CS&PF swim liaison officer.
1-way attempt £200.00
2-way attempt £400.00
3-way attempt £450.00
Swims/ crossings greater than 3-way, or for other swim courses not by the “direct route” are to be determined by the General Committee on their merits and the duties of the observer. Fees for
extraordinary swims not covered above to be by negotiation.
2025 Membership Fees
Annual membership: £30
New membership will run from the acceptance date of membership to 31st December 2025. All 2025 members are entitled to a vote at the 2025 CS&PF AGM. Every swimmer is required to become and remain a member from no later than registration of a swim until after the swim has been completed at the earliest. New membership will run from the acceptance date of membership to 31st December in the year of the swim All members from the previous year are entitled to a vote at the CS&PF AGM in the immediately following year.
Ten year individual membership: £160
Associate Membership £20
Summary of Registration:
The 2025 CS&PF administration and swim fees for a 1-way SOLO swim are:
Administration: £170 (£195 if posted after 30th April) plus
Swim Fee: £200 plus
Annual membership: £30
Total fees for 2025: £400 (£425 if posted after 30th April), including annual membership.
The 2025 CS&PF administration and swim fees for a 1-way, 6-person RELAY swim are:
Administration: £210 (£235 if posted after 30 April) plus
Swim Fee: £200 plus
Annual membership: 6 x £30 = £180.
Total fees for 2025: £590, (£615 if posted after 30th April). The exact total depends on the number of swimmers in a relay.
Proposed addition to rules:
Proposer Mike Oram Seconder Angela Oram
With reference to CS&PF rules 3 membership.
(additional motion to be added prior to the existing wording shown below reference Honorary Memberships.
Motion wording:
All serving CS&PF committee officers and members will be made Honorary Members (with the power to vote) for the years in which they are serving on the CS&PF committee.
Original wording
Registered Pilots will be made Honorary members (with power to vote) for the years in which they are recognised, registered and escorting crossings.
Pilots wishing to be recognised by the Federation may apply to the committee submitting their details, experience and qualifications. Final acceptance shall be subject to recognition by the Federation Committee. On acceptance they will be added to the “Recognised Pilots” list for working with the active the active escort boat crews. Pilot additiona to the recognised Pilot list is to be in order of the date of recognition by the committee. The Pilot list shall be available from the CS&PF office upon request.
Observers will be made honorary members (with power to vote) for the years in which they carry out one or more formally observed swim attempts on behalf of the Federation.
Honorary life members can be nominated by the committee or a CS&PF members and a vote taken at the Annual General Meeting. If accepted they will have full voting powers.
Proposed addition to rules
Proposer: Kevin Murphy Seconder : Eddie Spelling
Standard Swimsuit clarification -- Current rule:
Permitted swimwear:
No swimmer in a standard attempt to swim the Channel shall be permitted to use or wear any device or swimsuit that may aid his/her speed, buoyancy, heat retention or endurance (such as wetsuit, webbed gloves, paddles, fins etc.) The swimmer is permitted to grease the body before a swim, use goggle and one hat. Nose clips and earplugs are permitted. Any kind of tapeon the body is not permitted unless approved by the committee in advance and clarified by the observer.
Addition to rules:
Textile traditional swimming trunks or jammers from the waist to knee (men) made of knitted (not woven) materials, with sewn (not bonded or taped) seams and without hydrophobic coating.
Textile traditional female costume or extending shoulders to knees (women) made of knitted (not woven) materials with sewn (not bonded or taped) seams and without hydrophobic coating
This is determined by swimmer identifying as male/female/other as shown on passport or official documentation.
Previous swims up to and including 2023:
They will continue to be recognised where they complied with the CS&PF rules in force at the time of the swim.
Proposed addition to rules:
Proposer Michael Oram Seconder Angela Oram
No swimmer in a standard attempt to swim the Channel shall be permitted to use or wear any device or swimsuit that may aid his/her speed, buoyancy, heat retention or endurance (such as wetsuit, webbed gloves, paddles, fins etc.) The swimmer is permitted to grease the body before a swim, use goggle and one hat. Nose clips and earplugs are permitted. Any kind of tapeon the body is not permitted unless approved by the committee in advance and clarified by the observer.
The swimmer may wear only one swimsuit in one or two pieces which shall not extend past the shoulder or below the knee. All swimsuits shall be made of textile materials. Caps may not br made from neoprene or any other material which offers similar heat retention properties (as determined by the CS&PF Committee). Silicone or latex hats are permitted.
ADDITIONAL MOTION to be added this rule
To be added to the beginning of paragraph 2
There will be no gender distinction, male/female or otherwise with reference to the choice of swimsuit worn by the swimmer providing it is within the parameters of the Standard swim suit Clarification sction of the CS&PF rules. Any swimsuits that have been approved by the CS&PF for previous swim attempts will be added to the list of approved swim ware.
(This addition is to the present rule shown above and is to allow a level playing field regardless of gender and to allow swim suits already used by swimmers to continue to be available for future open water swims attempts with the CS&PF remit.)
Proposed addition to rules:
Proposer Simon Ellis Seconder Eddie Spelling
Observer’s log: For a swim to be ratified an ‘Observer’s Boat Log’ is required.
The pilot should provide this log and give it to the observer at the swim completion and be submitted for ratification
The log can be in the form of the sample available, or one that has been approved by the CS&PF for ratification purposes
Proposed addition to rules:
Proposed by Simon Ellis Seconder Tony Kenyon
If a swim is registered to take place between 1 November and 30 April, the qualifying temperature for an assessment swim will be 12c or less.
Proposed addition to rules:
Proposed by Tony Kenyon Seconder Marcus Teixeira
Policies & Procedures
The Committee recognises the importance of continuous improvement
and acknowledging changes in society. To address the expectations of
the membership there is a desire to formalise how the CS&PF
organisation operates. To achieve this Policies & Procedures are being
It is proposed that the full committee has the authority to review,
approve and implement policies and procedures. This will enhance the
operation of the organisation and the ability to serve the membership
in a professional manner.
All approved Policies and Procedures will be available on the website.
Recently three documents have been prepared that cover the requirements for Pilots, property of the CS&PF and how complaints
are dealt with. It is intended to gradually introduce additional
documents that will deal with topics including GDPR; H&S; Social
Media; Administration; Bullying; Swimmers; Support Teams; Escort
Vessels and Observers. We believe that this is best practice and
shows our commitment to a continuing improvement intent for the
Sandettie Lightship Observations
1am, 12th March 2025
Water: 46.8 °F (8.2 °C)
Air: 43.3 °F (6.3 °C)
Wind Speed: 15.0 kn (27.8 km/h)
Wind Direction: N (360°)
The CS&PF President, Mike Ball and all the committee are deeply saddened by the passing of Ady Brown.… https://t.co/E17pLxZwgw
2 years ago