12 Jan 2018AGM Notice to CS&PF Members
Notice of CS&PF AGM for the year ended 31st December 2017 to be held at Dover Town Hall at 2pm on the 3rd March 2018
Full members of the Channel Swimming and Piloting Federation are requested to note that any nominations for CS&PF officers and committee positions and/or notices of motions must be with the CS&PF secretary, in writing, at least 21 clear days before the AGM. This year that means the deadline is midnight on Friday 9th February 2018.
CS&PF Rules state:
The CS&PF officers and Committee members, (excluding President and Vice President) are to be elected by rotation with half (1/2) being elected every year over a two year period.
The CS&PF officer positions are to be elected from CS&PF members who are serving or have served on the CS&PF Committee. If there are no nominations for officer positions from among CS&PF members who are serving or have served on the CS&PF Committee, the secretary will notify the membership accordingly and the election of other full members of the CS&PF to officer positions will be permitted.
Due for election in 2018
- Chairman
- Vice Chairman
- Treasurer
- Three (3) Committee member positions
All persons wishing to stand must be CS&PF members (please include membership numbers). Nominations must be proposed and seconded by CS&PF members (again, please include membership numbers). All nominations must be made within the rules available on the CS&PF web site.
You can download Committee Nomination form from http://cspf.co.uk/documents.
Notices of Motion
Any motions put forward for inclusion in the AGM agenda must be submitted to the CS&PF secretary with the names and signatures of the proposer and seconder. The proposer and seconder must be CS&PF members (please include membership numbers).
You can download AGM Motions form from http://cspf.co.uk/documents.
Voting will be by paper ballot for any contested positions or motions.
Sandettie Lightship Observations
8pm, 23rd February 2025
Water: 46.4 °F (8 °C)
Air: 52.5 °F (11.4 °C)
Wind Speed: 29.9 kn (55.4 km/h)
Wind Direction: SSW (200°)
The CS&PF President, Mike Ball and all the committee are deeply saddened by the passing of Ady Brown.… https://t.co/E17pLxZwgw
2 years ago