Channel Swimming & Piloting Federation "Nothing great is easy", Captain Matthew Webb

Philip Jackson swim on 25 July 2019

NameJackson, Philip
NationalityUK [England]
CountryUK [England]
Date25 Jul 2019
No of Ways, Leg, Direction1-way, 1st, E-F
Swim Time, Departure, Arrival15:15:50, 03:10:00, 18:25:50
Ratifying OrganisationCSPF
Swim Crew and Support
Pilot, BoatSimon Ellis, HIgh Hopes
ObserverJohn Thorpe
TrainerLeon Fryer (Swim Your Swim)
Sandettie Weather Data
Sea Temperature (C)
Wind Speed (kn)

All times are UTC/GMT, adjusted by one hour ahead during the summer to British Summer Time (BST).