Jaime Caballero Echeverría swim on 07 August 2013
Swimmer |
Name | Caballero Echeverría, Jaime |
Gender | M |
Age | 37 |
Nationality | Spain |
Country | Spain |
County/State | San Sebastian |
Swim |
Date | 07 Aug 2013 |
No of Ways, Leg, Direction | 2-way, Combined, E-F-E |
Swim Time, Departure, Arrival | 24:35:00, 08:00:00, 08:35:00 |
Ratifying Organisation | CSA |
Swim Crew and Support |
Pilot, Boat | Fred Mardle, Masterpiece |
Trainer | KAIROSCORE (Aaron Sánchez) |
Miscellaneous |
Comment | It was too hard specially for these matters and in this order: cold water, huge currents, jelly fishes,........ I seriously though in stopping in the first way because I was having too cold since the second hour. But once I arrived to France, I told myself: "Jaime, you have done the half. Come on and do however the second half. Do itttt!!!!. At least do it for the people tha suffers the nost horrible and cruel disease that exists: the ALS (Amiotrophic Latheral Sclerosis)" |
Website/URL | http://www.jaimecaballero.es |
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