Channel Swimming & Piloting Federation "Nothing great is easy", Captain Matthew Webb

Matthew Williams swim on 22 September 2010

NameWilliams, Matthew
Date22 Sep 2010
No of Ways, Leg, Direction1-way, 1st, E-F
Swim Time, Departure, Arrival15:25:00, 08:00:00, 23:25:00
Ratifying OrganisationCSPF
Swim Crew and Support
Pilot, BoatNeil Streeter, Suva
ObserverIrene Wakeham
TrainerFreda Streeter
CommentI was born in Namibia (although have always been British), so was the second person born in Namibia to swim the channel after Bobby Jo Bassingthwaite did it in 1999. In fact she very kindly sent me a good luck message via a friend the night before the swim. The swim also made me the fourth person ever to successfully climb Mount Everest and swim the English Channel, having climbed Mount Everest on 23 May 2008. Landed at Cap Blanc Nez
Sandettie Weather Data
Sea Temperature (C)
Wind Speed (kn)

All times are UTC/GMT, adjusted by one hour ahead during the summer to British Summer Time (BST).