Jim Boucher swim on 12 August 2007
Swimmer |
Name | Boucher, Jim |
Gender | M |
Age | 46 |
Nationality | UK [Northern Ireland] |
Country | UK [Northern Ireland] |
Swim |
Date | 12 Aug 2007 |
No of Ways, Leg, Direction | 1-way, 1st, E-F |
Swim Time, Departure, Arrival | 15:28:00, 22:38:00, 14:06:00 |
Ratifying Organisation | CSPF |
Swim Crew and Support |
Pilot, Boat | Lance Oram, Sea Satin |
Observer | Billy Beadle |
Trainer | No official trainer but my father Jimmy Boucher senior kept an eye on me in Malta and in the taper |
Miscellaneous |
Comment | If at first you dont succeed....well you know the script! My first attempt on 10th July failed when the worse than expected weather and my poor feeding caused retirement at 9.5 hours. I felt I had not done myself justice and thanks to inspirational support from Freda, Ali, Mike O and Ned Denison I was lucky enough to have a second shot within a month, still fit, still motivated and to be honest dreading thought of Dover in May 2008!! Landed at Cap Blanc Nez |
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