Channel Swimming & Piloting Federation "Nothing great is easy", Captain Matthew Webb

Kevin Murphy swim on 29 August 2005

NameMurphy, Kevin
NationalityUK [England]
CountryUK [England]
Date29 Aug 2005
No of Ways, Leg, Direction1-way, 1st, E-F
Swim Time, Departure, Arrival13:35:00, 07:41:00, 21:16:00
Ratifying OrganisationCSPF
Swim Crew and Support
Pilot, BoatDave Whyte, Ocean Breeze
ObserverBrian Harbottle
TrainerJane Murphy
Comment33rd Channel swim, equalling the King of the Channel male record for the number of crossings. It was also Kevin Murphy's personal best time for the England-France crossing. Landed in Sangatte
Sandettie Weather Data
Sea Temperature (C)
Wind Speed (kn)

All times are UTC/GMT, adjusted by one hour ahead during the summer to British Summer Time (BST).