Channel Swimming & Piloting Federation "Nothing great is easy", Captain Matthew Webb

David Knight swim on 28 August 2004

NameKnight, David
County/StateNew South Wales
Date28 Aug 2004
No of Ways, Leg, Direction1-way, 1st, E-F
Swim Time, Departure, Arrival13:09:00, 09:00:00, 22:09:00
Ratifying OrganisationCSA
Swim Crew and Support
Pilot, BoatReg Brickell Jr, Viking Princess
ObserverCraig (?)
TrainerJohn Maclean
CommentI had a great crew with me: John Maclean – Best friend and First Wheel Chair athlete to swim the channel in 1998; Pierre-Alain Ceralli – Great friend and adventure racer from Switzerland; Liam McHale – Great friend and Ironman from Ireland Attempted double. Success one way, failed on return after 7.30 hours in the water. 13 hours for 26 miles on the way over, 7 miles in 7 hours on the way back – you have to love the challenge of the conditions and currents! If you are attempting a double get straight back in the water or you will get too cold!! Was living in Connecticut,USA at time of swim
Website/URLCheck out this for some inspiration! Recommend John’s book “Sucking the marrow out of life”
Sandettie Weather Data
Sea Temperature (C)
Wind Speed (kn)

All times are UTC/GMT, adjusted by one hour ahead during the summer to British Summer Time (BST).