Minerva Martinez Requenes swim on 26 August 2004
Swimmer |
Name | Martinez Requenes, Minerva |
Gender | F |
Age | 31 |
Nationality | Mexico |
Country | Mexico |
County/State | Edo. de Mexico |
Swim |
Date | 26 Aug 2004 |
No of Ways, Leg, Direction | 1-way, 1st, E-F |
Swim Time, Departure, Arrival | 14:45:00, 07:16:00, 22:01:00 |
Ratifying Organisation | CSPF |
Swim Crew and Support |
Pilot, Boat | Michael Oram, Aegean Blue |
Observer | Alison Streeter |
Trainer | Jorge Villegas Perez |
Miscellaneous |
Comment | It was a force five swim. My team was trainer: Jorge Villegas Perez; Physiologist: Alexandre Kormanovski; Psychologist: Lorna Morales Long; Project Leader: Elsa Mecott Vazquez. Landed at the church in Sangatte |