Vedika [Karin] Bolliger swim on 26 July 2003
Swimmer |
Name | Bolliger, Vedika [Karin] |
Gender | F |
Age | 38 |
Nationality | Switzerland |
Country | Switzerland |
Swim |
Date | 26 Jul 2003 |
No of Ways, Leg, Direction | 1-way, 1st, E-F |
Swim Time, Departure, Arrival | 22:27:00, 10:03:00, 08:30:00 |
Ratifying Organisation | CSPF |
Swim Crew and Support |
Pilot, Boat | Michael Oram, Aegean Blue |
Observer | Jacqueline Carter |
Miscellaneous |
Comment | Landed at Cap Blanc Nez. With this swim I won the first Gertrude Ederle award that was given for the most meritorious CS & PF Swim by a woman 2003. Helpers: Renate Wimmer, Elke Wiesenberger |