Channel Swimming & Piloting Federation "Nothing great is easy", Captain Matthew Webb

Suzanne Heim-Bowen [Heim] swim on 18 August 1985

NameHeim-Bowen [Heim], Suzanne
Date18 Aug 1985
No of Ways, Leg, Direction1-way, 1st, F-E
Swim Time, Departure, Arrival10:11:00, 09:17:00, 19:28:00
Ratifying OrganisationCSA
Swim Crew and Support
Pilot, BoatRay Dixon, Channel Express
ObserverMolly Gill
TrainerCarol Brieter
CommentStart = Cap Gris Nez- (Les Epaulards); Finish = North Foreland (Old Light House, St Margret’s Bay) I was going for the record at the time as it looked like to be within my swimming ability. I was on record pace and several hours into the swim my course was taking me right through the restricted area where the Chunnel was being built. French would not allow me to pass through this restricted area and they were shooting off flares, threatening to board the boat and abort the swim. I did not know all this was going on and suddenly the boat made a U-Turn! I do realize that I am headed back to France but diligently followed the boat no questions asked on my part as I am 'boat trained' to just swim and follow the boat! I had to swim against a huge tide adding at least an hour onto my time... for a total time of 10 hrs 11 minutes (of which I was totally happy with the swim....the record would have just been an added thankful for a finish!). There were 'animated' and colorful exchanges that took place between Ray and the French construction crew. Carol had a tape recorder going and I was able to listen to the exchange after the swim (recording on the documentary 50 Year Old Freshman) and thankfully Ray was able to set them at ease and have me swim around the restricted area. I do remember the finish..St. Margrets Bay. I know that the rules state no sea water beyond and there was a fisherman on the beach with a walking/poking stick that marked where 'no sea water beyond'. It was low tide and there were jagged rocks covered with moss and algae for a good 40 meters. I crawled and climbed over those rocks on all fours---not a pretty picture I assure you--a few Channel scars but I was actually okay with that! Happy with the finish for sure!!!

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