David Minty swim on 28 August 1979
Swimmer |
Name | Minty, David |
Gender | M |
Age | 16 |
Nationality | UK [Jersey] |
Country | UK [Jersey] |
Swim |
Date | 28 Aug 1979 |
No of Ways, Leg, Direction | 1-way, 1st, E-F |
Swim Time, Departure, Arrival | 12:00:00, 03:00:00, 15:00:00 |
Ratifying Organisation | CSA |
Swim Crew and Support |
Pilot, Boat | J. Smith, Mary Mayne FE73 |
Observer | A. Knott |
Trainer | Leslie Minty |
Miscellaneous |
Comment | International Channel Race sponsored by Saudi Arabian Swimming Federation, placed 2nd in Mens Amateur section. First Channel Islander to complete 2 Channel Swims. |
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