Channel Swimming & Piloting Federation "Nothing great is easy", Captain Matthew Webb

Kevin Murphy swim on 30 August 1975

NameMurphy, Kevin
NationalityUK [England]
CountryUK [England]
Date30 Aug 1975
No of Ways, Leg, Direction2-way, Combined, E-F-E
Swim Time, Departure, Arrival36:03:00, 05:23:53, 17:26:53
Ratifying OrganisationCSA
Swim Crew and Support
Pilot, BoatB. Charnick, St. Claire
ObserverP. Cox/F. Seagrove
TrainerJane Secker; Leslie Murphy; Stan Birtley; Peter Dyton
CommentFirst two legs of first three-way attempt, eventually abadoned on third leg, two miles south-west of the Colbart Buoy, at 09:57 on 1/9/75 after swimming for 52hrs 16mins. Reason given for swim being abandoned:"Sea conditions (force 5) and bad position."

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